Once again a lot of things have happened that has prevented me from blogging, but today I got such a cute call from Roxi and Anni, I had to find time to write. They are currently in Iowa saying goodbye to all of Jason's relatives for the last time before leaving for Zanzibar mid-March. The reason for the call, was that while they were in the car driving, Anni kept saying,"Push the button, Max!" Now if that doesn't mean anything to you, it is because you aren't familiar with one of our family's favorite movies, "The Great Race" with Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, Peter Falk, and Natalie Wood. While Anni has been staying with us, I have been trying to introduce her to many "real people, not Princess movies". According to her Mama, her addiction to Princesses is all Bibi's fault!
I first started with "Mary Poppins", then moved on to "Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang", both big hits with Anni, and then finally, "The Great Race!" One of her other favorite quotables from this movie that makes her laugh out loud after saying the line, is "General????", and then Jack Lemmon's character gets hit in the face with a pie, after the biggest pie fight ever filmed! I just love that I was able to introduce her to some golden oldies that she will quote, and remember watching with Bibi.
Before they left, she had her final dance class and 10 minute classroom recital. This event is covered in detail on Roxi's blog. It brought back many wonderful memories of taking Katy to dance classes everyday for years! Here is Anni with her ballerina doll that I gave her: One day, I took Anni to the DuPage Children's Museum, where she and I played most of the day. Here are a few looks at our activities:
Anni times three! Wish I could keep one of her here!
This girl loves water, and bright lights!
Another day, Roxi and I took both of the girls to the mall to get their pictures taken professionally. I was able to get one picture of Anni before the photographer placed Evy into the shot. I had gotten them contrasting sister dresses, and we can't wait for the actual photographs to come. After successfully getting their photos done, we played, shopped and Bibi took these shots herself of my little girls having fun.
Shopping for another Princes dress at the Disney store.
Anni and Mama enjoy a dizzy ride after lunch!
I suppose I'll never know what kind of damage I've done to Anni introducing her to slapstick movies like the "Great Race", but I do enjoy her sharing lines with me now. Whether she remembers these lines a year and a half from now, I don't know, but I know I'll never forget her laugh at "General??" as she pretends a pie hits her face.