Saturday was our date to go see Disney on Ice! Wearing her Ariel dress, and sitting in our front row center seats that cost over $200 with tax and parking was worth it. The day was priceless!
The best part of the day, was during the Celebration of Valentine's Day when all the Princesses and Princes were skating right in front of us. At the end of the number, Ariel and Erik stopped right in front of us, and after he presented Ariel with a rose, she turned and handed it to Anni!!! As you can see, she was excited! Well, maybe more in shock and proud that Ariel picked her out because she was wearing her dress! We called Roxanne to tell her (she and Jason were in Champaign to see Katy) and Anni was almost hyperventilating and in a high pitched voice shrieking in glee about Ariel. I had to explain because she was too excited to clearly communicate her good fortune!
As you can see ALL the princesses where there!
The only part Anni didn't like, and she has told everyone about, was Halloween, when all the Disney Villians came out. Cruella skated right at her, and she did not like "those bad guys!" It will be a day this Bibi will remember for a long time, and I hope Anni will too. See already wants to go again when Evy is big enough to go too. How thoughtful to include her sister in on the goodies. She was also very good about not asking for all the overpriced food and toys. The guys came by hocking their wares every 5 minutes. We had bought the program in the beginning so she could show her friends in Zanzibar, and when we left, she politely asked if she could get just one thing. After scouring about five booths of loot, we decided to get Jessie from Toy Story, so her Woody would have a friend. We had not been able to find Jessie at any of the Disney stores, so we were quite excited about taking her to join the suitcase of Princesses she is already taking home with her.
When we got back to Wheaton, we heard on the radio that the Illini won with a last second shot, so Mama and Papa had a good day too. We finished off our date at McDonald's Playplace! Who could ask for anything more?
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