We have been working all week, and playing on the weekends at the lake. Katy was up three weekends and Rich came up twice. My parents were up for Father's Day, and here is my Dad sporting his new outfit. My Dad's was doing better, thus his smile. Unfortunately, my cousin's husband died before Father's Day, and our prayers are with her and her daughters. It was much too sudden for them all.
Rich and Katy tried out the new double tube, went jet skiing, and we got Rich skiing really well. They also went to a Dave Mathews concert on July 3rd. They are such a cute and happy couple "in love". I think they are perfect for each other. This weekend was their 9 month anniversary. I can't even remember how many years I've been married, but they are counting months. Hopefully, they will share their love for years too.
We also saw our good friends Mickey and Chris one weekend, and our friends/builders, Audrey and Fred. And on the fourth, Eric, Steve's brother, introduced us to his new girlfriend, Vickie that he has been dating for about a month. Steve's youngest sister, Kathy and her husband came by on their scooters on the fifth. Rob and a crowd of people who work with him at Harry Carey's came up then too, just before we all left to go back to the boring reality of work. Rob and his friends all had to work on the fourth, and were making jokes about the "Uninvited" that end up in a bar on a holiday, because no one invited them to a barbecue or picnic. It is pretty sad when you think about it, but it made for some funny stories. All of these young adults have college degrees, but can't find jobs in their area of study. So much for "hope and change".
Our little neighborhood always has its own golf cart Fourth of July parade. I so wish Anni and Evy could have been apart of it. Little kids get all dressed up, and throw candy to the onlookers. So sweet and patriotic. I could really go on a rant about how scared I am that soon our great country will no longer be free. I think that our president, who grew up in Indonesia, has never felt how exceptional our country is because he never had the feeling of pride celebrating our country's birth as a child. Instead, he was raised by Marxist parents, and searched out Marxist professors while in college, all according to his own writings. Thus, he and his radical left progressives are trying to destroy the greatest country that has ever existed.
Our history has not been taught as it occurred, but has been changed to blame America for the world's ills. I'm not saying we have been perfect, but we have grown and changed because of the liberty that was given us in our Constitution. I just finished reading "The Help", which is a book about the black maids that raised the white rich children in Mississippi. It is an eye opening book, that shows how those who were courageous stood for liberty, and changed what was wrong in the South. And at the same time this would have been going on, Sen. Bryd, the oldest serving senator was filibustering the civil rights bills that the Republicans were trying to pass in the sixties. Yet when this pass KKK leader died this week, both President Clinton and Obama praised this man???? Blacks today vote Democratic over 90% of the time. Why? King was a Republican. As a teenager, I listened to his "I have a dream" speech, and have always tried to judge people by the content of their character, yet the two New Black Panther members who were terrorizing voters last election, were just let go of all charges. And one of them is on tape saying he "hates all white people, and all the crackers should be killed".
Besides what is purposefully being done to destroy the economy in this country, our freedoms are under attack. I only pray that people are waking up, and that this will not be the last Fourth of July little children celebrate the freedoms their country has given them. Unless something is done to turn this around soon, these little children will be slaves to the debt that this generation is creating for unions and entitlement programs, all for the sake of power, not liberty! I guess I ranted anyway, but I can't help it that I feel we are living in a very scary time. Before the election, I felt like we were living through the rise of Hitler all over again, and people were just not paying attention to what was really being said. I think many are waking up, but I just hope it is not too late. Pretty soon, more than half of all Americans and illegal aliens will not be paying any taxes, while those who make the economy work will be paying for everything. They will settle for an entitlement instead of freedom. "1984" and "Animal Farm"should be taught in every English class, but it is not. "Atlas Shrugged" again.Glen Beck has written a new fictional novel called, "The Overton Window", which he actually calls a factional novel, since there are many real facts in it. It is not the best written book, but it does detail what has been happening to our country. The Overton window is an advertising term that explains how propaganda is used to sway public opinion on certain things. You won't accept things on either side of the window, but you can be nudged one way or another until you accept something you never would have before, as the window moves to "their" end. It is very interesting to see how the window has certainly moved by the media and politicians in my lifetime! He has special "Founders Fridays" to teach the truth about this country's founders as described in their own words. He does this all in an attempt to change the window back were it should be, smaller government and more freedom! And where Sen Byrd was a racist KKK leader, not a great supporter of freedom in the Senate! My how history is constantly being rewritten by those in power, and we will be reliving history if we have not learned the lessons from our past.
I just hope I can leave my children and grandchildren the great country that my parents left me. A country where we accept the help of other countries on day three to clean up an oil disaster, instead of pandering to unions and letting the oil ruin our economy and environment so we can pass an outrageous tax and trade bill! A country where our immigration laws are upheld, not sued. Where all of our Supreme Court justices uphold the Second Amendment, and not a country where four of them think we can't have guns to protect us from their tyranny. (Our next justice doesn't even think it is her job to protect the Declaration of Independence! Are you kidding me????)
Enough, I have said my piece. I enjoyed my holidays with friends, missed family members who could not be there, and lose much sleep that our country is slipping away, but I pray every night because I do trust in God! And I do think this country was formed by religious men who felt that God had helped them win their liberty to show the rest of the world His power and grace. If we can keep God in our country, He will not forsake us. If we can't pray in our schools, or post the Ten Commandments in our courts, how do we expect God to hear us when we have shut Him out. I say lets start inviting Him back, and fast! And Mr. President, we are a Christan nation as formed. We tolerate others' religious rights, but don't deny ours! God bless us who still love you...
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