The week before Christmas, we found a wonderful home for our Little Big Man pup. A sweet lady from the doggie park had told a relative from MA that we had GSHP pups. After a few phone calls, John decided to make the long drive to get our pup, while doing some work on the way. However, he had no idea when he left, that he would be driving through one of the worse blizzards in Ontario history. After another long drive home, he and Blitz (pup's new name) are doing great! He was an exceptional puppy, and we hated to see him go, but I had the feeling this was a special home for him. John loves to hike 3 to 5 miles a day, and Blitz would run till his little heart gave out. So having a kind of Steinbeck journey(Travels with Charlie), both are doing well.
A hunter had wanted which ever pup was left, but when I called to tell him Ditka was left, he informed me that his wife wouldn't let him get the pup. We just couldn't leave him alone at the hospital, so he came home with us for Christmas. Katy came home too. We all decided that this little guy who had been the first pup to find a home only to be returned, and then had had 3 other people who wanted him, only to be left last, was still here for a reason that only God knew. So we are keeping him. We changed his name to Mr. Jagermiester Shot, to be called Jager. He is very handsome and a real lover. He is much calmer than Madison for the most part. He does have his Jagermonster moments, however. Maddie loves attacking her brother, and Dipity is relieved that Maddie is not attacking her. So now there are three!
Thus began the Christmas that went to the dogs. The weekend before Christmas Rob, Steve and Katy all went pheasant hunting with Dip in Iowa to return with 73 birds! Auntie Data stayed home with me and the kids. I only put up a little Charlie Brown tree, as I knew the pups would eat the big tree. Since Anni and Evy would not be here, this Christmas would be low key for sure. The highlight was after the candle light Christmas Eve service we all SKYPED Roxi and family. Evy, the birthday girl, was asleep, but we did get to open gifts via computer together. It is a wonderful thing, but not the same as being in the same room. I had taped a book for the girls. When Roxi heard my voice and realized what it was, she started crying. Anni was so cute. She told her Mom not to cry. That when they saved enough money they could come visit Chicago. How sweet. It broke my heart to hear Roxi cry though, and I couldn't hug her.
Katy would be leaving the day after Christmas for her marathon bus ride to the Houston Bowl game, and Rob would only be home for dinner, so I would have to settle for one day. We finally got to meet Mel, the girl Rob has been dating, as she was able to come to dinner with him. My parents came with their new Bogie as Santa.
Katy and Santa Bogie
After dinner they all went big game hunting on the new Wii, while I loaded the dishwasher.

Steve finishing the last glass of wine while the creatures weren't stirring. So after a few hectic days of preparations, a few hours of eating, and visiting, we were alone again with our dogs who always love us, and want to be with us as much as they can. So this will be remembered as my dog Christmas. Last year, Princesses and new baby girl, this year, pups! God thank you for healing Evy, finding wonderful homes for my pups, protecting and loving my children wherever they roam, and keeping my parents safe. So to all a goodnight...........
great post Mom- miss you so much! Realized hwo much when I heard yoru voice:) Already listened to the book twice.
Hope Anni likes it too. I thought if you were busy, Bibi could read her to sleep. Miss you all so much too. The house is so empty when you are all home.
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