I am an only child, and always thought I would love to have a sister. I know when you are younger, jealousy occurs between siblings, but as you reach adulthood, the closeness of having a sister is a bond I will never have, even though I have had some great friends I wish were my sisters. Roxi and Katy have that special bond, and even Anni and Evy will have shared memories of a life in Africa together, that others can never completely understand. My Mom and Aunt Jerry have a bond of a long life in St. Louis before they each moved to new cities far away from each other.
My Aunt Jerry is one of the greatest people I know. She is witty, beautiful, kind, and just plain fun to be with. Even at my wedding, Steve's groomsmen wanted to pickup my aunt in her long, sexy purple dress. I do see her every January when we go to Florida for a DVM convention, and about every other year, she has joined us in NYC for our Broadway trip. My Mother use to be able to go to NYC, too, but no more. Thus, I was thrilled when Aunt Jerry said she would come visit us, and I was grateful that we could entertain her and my Mom at the lake. I don't know if this will be their last visit together, I certainly hope not. Hopefully they can both come to a future wedding for Rob or Katy, or come see Roxi return from Africa. But for now, we made some great memories for two great sisters.
We had Data for two weeks so she could get groomed, and Dip was thrilled that Rob came to take her home again.
They are step-sisters in the dog world, but there is no love shared between them. In fact, they have a hate relationship! And they proceeded to fight when Steve yelled after the overtime score of the Blackhawk game Friday night. Of course on Sunday, the Blackhawks won again, thus for the first time since the 1960's have a chance to win the Stanley Cup this next week.
I just want to thank everyone who took the time to come for the sister reunion. Wonderful memories were made by all. We even tried to skype with Roxi again, so she and Katy could visit too. They could see us, but we could only hear them which again was disappointing, yet amazing that we could even hear them half a world away. Sure wish I had a sister though, so if someone wants to be my sister, let me know.
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