Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Big Illini Win, and Ditka finds a Home!

Today was one of those beautiful Indian summer days, with the temp reaching the high seventies. I was hoping two people who had been interested in the pups were going to come over to see them today, but to our surprise an old client and friend found out from his neighbor that we had pups, and came to see them. (The other two people didn't even call to say they weren't coming, #@X%!!!) But Bill came right over, and after carefully studying the pups, decided he wanted Ditka, the largest male, so he has a new wonderful home, and we will see him often. Bill and Ditka going home!

Bill is now retired, and he had been taking care of his sick sister, but she recently passed, and he needed someone to care for, and Ditka will be properly spoiled, as all good dogs deserve. My Mother always said that "If you can't spoil a dog, why have one!"
The owner of the sire of the litter came to see the pups, too, and took all the information to send to his friends, since he thought the pups looked fantastic. His male had just won another Grand Championship this week. I told him the least Bandit could do is find a good home for some of the pups. (Like doggie child support.) The others seem to know Ditka is gone, but they don't know where he went. However, they are all sleeping closer together right now. I hope we find other homes soon, since Serenity has learned how to climb out of the fence! And Sally is now trying to escape too.
The other exciting event that happened today is that for the first time in the history of U of I, they beat Penn State at Penn State, 33 to 13! The really sweet thing was that it was their Homecoming, and they had planned on killing us again! The team is coming together. Our defense is pretty good since we gave Ohio State a scare last weekend, and out new quarterback and our running backs are doing quite well, so the year doesn't look like it will be as bad as we thought it would be. How nice it would be to become bowl eligible Katy's senior year. We thought we would have to wait for basketball season to enjoy some Illini victories. Our b-ball team is suppose to be really good, and with some luck, we were wishing a Final Four appearance would be a nice finish to her Illinette career, but we good definitely take both with the help of God!
Tomorrow we head to the lake to put the boat and jet skis away. Rob is going up with us to help. I can't believe the summer season went by so quickly. I sure hope Anni and Evy will be able to be here next season.
Update on Bogie. He has liver cancer, and this week my parents were afraid they would have to put him down, but Steve gave him some medicine. He won't eat dog food, but he's hanging in there with seemingly no pain, so, so for so good. I started looking on line for a replacement, but they have decide to hold off for now. Mom keeps saying she wants him to lasts as long as she does, which is a little scary. She thinks if he goes, she should, and she has no health problems right now. She loves it when I take Maddie over for a visit. Bogie, not so much.
So this quick update must be interrupted to put the other five pups outside for the last time tonight, so I can get some sleep before tomorrow's big day at the lake.


Roxanne said...

love the pic of you holding the pups- so cute! Glad they are finding homes. And J was super excited about the win too- he caught the stats online! Miss you all!