Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Night America Died!

I know I have tried to deal mainly with my family and personal problems on this blog, but tonight I am so discouraged by what our country is becoming, and how it will effect my family, I am truly looking to God for answers. Everything that has made our country the greatest bastion of liberty for the rest of the world is daily being destroyed. Out forefathers never intended for the government to take over every aspect of our daily lives by giving entitlements to those who refuse to make the most of the freedoms our Constitution has given them. We are going trillions of dollars into debt, and my children and poor grandchildren will never have the same chance of a decent life that we have had. Our Congress has refused to listen to the majority of people who did not want this massive intrusion into our health care. Nor did they listen when we didn't want them to take over the banks, education, the auto industry, the real estate loans, etc. We got change alright! We will soon be the USSA instead of the USA.
Tonight America will change forever, and they will NOT stop here. By their own words, they want more control, complete control over our lives by controlling our health care. I am very sad tonight. I am very scared for those children who follow. I feel badly for those who are searching for freedom and liberty in other countries, because America is no longer the shining city on the hill that would give them hope. No more greatest to aspire to, just mediocre socialism that has not worked anywhere else. All those scary sci-fi movies are becoming our reality. I want to cry for the dream that America was for my grand parents who left Germany as children to come here and make their way. They fought against their homeland to keep the dream of America safe.
Now we have allowed her to be destroyed from within by rewarding those who didn't want to make America better and stronger, but who wanted something for nothing. By playing by the rules, working hard, I have become the "enemy of the state." America is no longer a melting pot of greatness, but a "politically correct"multicultural quilt. A quilt that allows one group to lust after what another group has worked for, instead of all working together to make the entire pot better for everyone.
I am afraid that too many of our people have left God. Our country was created by men who believed in God, and who knew our liberties were God given. But our secular society that allows for abortion, pornography, drugs, and Christian-bashing, has probably led God to ignore us as so many of us have ignored Him. My prayer is that this change will wake up those who want to take our country back to the glory in which it was created. I know America has made mistakes before, but the people have tried to correct those errors and made her better. We need real leaders that believe in God to lead her once again to be the hope and example of what people can be when they are free. We need God to save us if we can prove ourselves worthy again. As I cry tonight, I will pray for a rebirth of our liberty and God's grace to forgive our evil ways. God bless America, because is she goes, I don't know where to go.